We are using VIMEO to host our videos. They are one of the biggest and most powerful video hosting solutions.
If you are trying to play a video lesson and the video player shows you a black screen with a message saying:
Because of its privacy settings, this video
can not be played here
You are probably running some BROWSER EXTENSION related to your privacy.
And you have to WHITELIST our JazzHeaven.com domain in that extension for this to work on your end!
(Or elsewhere in your browser's privacy settings.)
So, this is *not* related to JazzHeaven's video set-up. It's related to your own unique set-up.
Here is the response from one of our customers who had this issue on his end in CHROME.
(Even though our videos played perfectly fine for many other CHROME users.)
"... I figured it out -- the EFF's privacy badger plugin (CHROME EXTENSION) was blocking the vimeo api request or doing something to it so that it returned 406.
i just had to whitelist it for the jazzheaven domain."